Saturday, February 21, 2009

Washington Was Not the First U.S. President

John Hanson from Maryland, instrumental in getting that state to ratify the Articles of Confederation, was actually elected first president of the Congress of the Confederation, in 1783. (This face, portrait at left, should be on the dollar!) There were actually eight of these presidents in all before George Washington was elected after ratification of the current Constitution in 1789.

To be literally correct then, Washington was our ninth President.

I still like the story of his less-known quote. When Washington was boarding the rowboat to cross the Delaware, he had to nudge 300-lb Colonel Henry Knox aside to make room, with these immortal words, “Shift that fat ass, Harry, but slowly or you’ll swamp the damn boat!” To me, these are much more inspiring fighting words than “full speed ahead” or “I regret that I have but one life to give.” Knox has now achieved immortality.

Contrary to the famous painting, Washington wasn't stupid enough to stand up in the boat and present a big target, nor did he want to swamp the boat himself. I guess our fearless leader hunkered down with everyone else isn't very inspiring art. So where were the 'rays of God's light' shining down to show his approval? Now, that's art!


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Artist, photographer, composer, author, blogger, metaphysician, herbalist

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Much of what we think we know has been altered through history, so what we eventually hear approaches the realm of folklore or myth. Many theories once thought of as science fiction become fact, many supposed 'facts' end up becoming myths, such as the flat earth, which came from the Bible talking about "the four corners of the earth", which implies a two-dimensional design, as only squares and rectangles have corners, spheres do not.

It was also taught by religions that "disease is caused by sin", but when both sinners and the righteous get the plague or smallpox, we realize that explanation doesn't hold water, so doctors and scientists, under threat of 'heresy' by the church and risking death, explored the scientific provable facts to determine the root cause and thus the cure of diseases, which we've been proving now since the Renaissance.

Still, myth as factual knowledge persists today, some we know about, such as St. Nicholas, a real priest, becoming the model for Santa Claus; others, such as Oswald alone killing John Kennedy, are simply government dispensed disinformation, and are still disputed in spite of much new evidence that the myth perpetuators like to ignore to keep the myths or disinformation (aka propaganda) alive.

We'll examine the myths we know about, and debunk or clarify those, and some that are still conjecture, and hope to be both informative and entertaining, and maybe someone will feel 'illuminated' at some point.

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